“In all these years, I have heard supervisors yell, verbally abuse, call us prostitutes and slap us behind our heads to work faster,” Akhter, who spends eight hours a day stitching pockets on jeans and shorts, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.“Then I became the union president and everything changed. Overnight, I became important.”
Akhter, 28, is among scores of women in Bangla…
Read moreAvailable at more than 1,400 locations nationwide at Thighstop.com and through the brand’s exclusive delivery partner DoorDash, chicken fans can now enjoy Crispy Chicken Thighs, served naked or sauced and tossed in 11 bold signature Wingstop flavors.
In addition to bone-in thighs, Thighstop is also introducing new Breaded Boneless Chicken Thighs…
Read moreTesla Inc. reduced prices of its more expensive models again, days after Elon Musk said cuts earlier this year had piqued interest in the company’s electric vehicles.
The Model S and X now start at $89,990 and $99,990 in the US, down a respective 5.3% and 9.1%, according to Tesla’s website. The company lowered prices of the higher-performance Plaid versions of each vehicle by …
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